Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Bug-a-like seller seems to be taking note

Well I do have to say that it is a bit a shock, well considering the initial response I had from the eBay seller of the illegal Bug-a-like product, but they've been back in contact since my last message to them tell them about test houses and testing that they need to do, and they say they are going to look into it.

Hi ok thankyou i did get in touch today with a few companys bsi standards just got your mail now so will search for the information you have provided in the morning its best to test them for me also then may be i can sell them for more money Thankyou Ian

- miwheels2010
Although I really don't think it is worth their while, as I can't see it passing all the things that it needs to pass, but then on top of this it really won't be long until Bugaboo shut the company down in Germany, and the factory in China for making a product that infringes on patents and design registrations and IP right that Bugaboo hold for their design.

But this still for me doesn't address the car seat that is not a car seat issue that is still supplied with this item, if that was taken out of the package then I would feel much more happier about the safety issue of this item that is being sold to people.

And thats without me even getting started on the state of the factory where this is put together, if there are no thoughts towards copying a protected design, then I doubt there are any regards for workers health and safety, or the age of their workers to produce the product.

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