That was until I came across the new Baby Jogger City Select.

Priced roughly £450 for the stand alone stroller, and then if you want to you can buy a second seat unit, or a carrycot coversion kit, or a buggyboard, or adaptors to fit the Maxi Cosi Cabrio.
It's a very versatile stroller, allowing you to have any combination of seats/carrycots/carseats attatched in any position, so allowing you to have either 2 newborns, a newborn and toddler seated on the product, and with them facing either way.
The other great feature is the incorporation of the Baby Jogger fold, simply unclip the secondary lock, then lift up the chassis at it main pivot point and it folds. No messing about with clips and catches all over the product, just as easy as the original mini jogger.

It's bound to be a hit with all parents with more than one child or those that are planning more than one!

The product was constantly been expertly demonstrated by David, with a crowd of people watching, so I'd expect it to be in most independant retailers soon.
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